Outdoor Adult Fitness

Explore Outdoor Adult Fitness

Outdoor adult fitness spaces are a growing way to help get adults actively engaged in healthy activity. Creating a meaningful outdoor fitness space can be a challenge without the right information to help guide your choices. With pieces of equipment generally numbering between 5-20, the right choices are critical to ensure the community gets a well-rounded workout. We have the design research, tools, and products to create meaningful fitness spaces for all ages and abilities.


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Outdoor fitness is good for everyone

In light of the well-documented health risks of physical inactivity, promoting regular active behavior is a public health priority. Physical activity is important for maintaining overall fitness. which includes healthy weight, bones, muscles, and joints, promoting physiological well-being, A well-rounded workout focuses on muscle development, core strength, aerobic activity, balance, and flexibility. Within this spectrum, members of a community have diverse fitness abilities, so ensuring the right equipment to engage all levels can be challenging without research and data from fitness experts to help make critical design decisions.


Scholarly resources to help build, program, and evaluate

Our guide on outdoor fitness park design was created in conjunction with three scholars, each with a different fitness focused specialty. Dr Michael Suk, head of orthopedics at Geisinger; Dr Gary Liguori, Dean of the College of Health Sciences at the University of Rhode Island; and Dr Thom MacKenzie, Professor Emeritus, School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences, San Diego State University review the published research on the unique benefits of outdoor fitness activity, and then illustrate a variety of ways you can engage the community in a well-rounded workout. From planning, to design, to programming and measuring outcomes, this guide is a valuable resource for any community wishing to increase physical fitness in its adult population.

The right products to drive positive outcomes

Our teams have created the perfect solutions, for general fitness, active aging, advanced athletes, and challenging family competition. Many of the fitness stations also include onside instructional signage or QR scans to exercise instruction, to further engage and inform the community, and our Challenge Courses even have an app that allows you to complete against families throughout the world!

Contact us and let us know what your community fitness goals are, and we can help you create the perfect space. When your research-based fitness project is done, you may additionally be eligible for National Demonstration Site status!


Climbing Walls
Challenge Course
Active Aging, General Fitness
Advanced User Outdoor Fitness
Modular Accessories
Athlete Training Equipment