Shift into Gear

A Bicycling Advocacy Resource

Shift into Gear helps effectively advocate for the many benefits of biking so that various stakeholders can utilize this resource to champion their biking efforts. Research shows there are many positive effects of bicycling in terms of health and fitness, cognitive, mental health and well-being, socioeconomic impacts, and even transportation and environmental impacts. The session also highlights planning and design considerations including how building a network is key to the development of more and safer biking areas. The session also offers funding resources, ways to promote bike-friendly communities, and an array of case studies in the subject matter.

Learning Objectives:

  • List at least five benefits of biking related to health and fitness, cognitive, mental health, and well-being, socioeconomic impacts, and transportation impacts.
  • Outline design considerations when planning to establish a biking network in a community.
  • List at least two ways to promote bike-friendly communities.
  • Summarize case studies related to biking in communities across the United States and Canada.

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