3 Result(s) for "dog parks"

Learn more about planning and designing off-leash dog parks. Register today for our upcoming complimentary development webinar, on Wednesday, August 19 at 2 p.m. EST.

Off-leash dog parks provide enjoyable ways to recreate and exercise for dogs and their owners as well as create a community destination. This webinar will provide the latest design trends and planning tips for off-leash dog parks as well as information to help communities effectively advocate for the many benefits this park or site amenity solution.

The Unleashed®: Off-leash dog park design trends and planning tips guidebook, helps communities effectively advocate for the many benefits of off-leash dog parks as solutions to providing enjoyable ways to recreate and exercise to dog owners and their dogs as well as creating community destinations. Research shows positive effects on individuals that own a dog(s); health and social benefits of owning a dog, caring for it, and recreating outdoors with them. In addition, design considerations and case study examples are outlined to effectively design a dog park and champion initiatives that provide meaningful outcomes supporting overall health and social benefits for the community.