Words on Play™

A Treatise on its Value by Leading Play Scholars

Words on Play™

A Treatise on its Value by Leading Play Scholars

Play is the foundation for learning, it is critical for healthy physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development. Deeply committed to promoting the value of play, PlayCore is proud to bring together some of the world's most respected play scholars- our friends, mentors and inspirational partners-to share their thoughts, the research-based evidence, and their collective, inspirational "words on play" that empower us all to advocate for the many critical benefits of play.

Often we hear "Play is the work of a child." Indeed, research shows that children are at their highest level of development when at play. Play is dynamic, active - an integral part of children's growth and development, allowing children to discover their full potential. The foundation for learning, play is critical for healthy physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development - providing enjoyment and emotional fulfillment. Children learn about the world around them through self-created experiences where they are free to express their creativity, individuality, and imagine new worlds.

Words On Play highlights the work of respected play authorities - our friends, mentors, and partners who continue to inspire us and who continue to shape our knowledge of the power of play. We know play has a multitude of critical benefits and is the right of every child, and that through play they reach their highest level of development. This book is a valuable resource for those who support play, wish to recruit others in the support of play and playgrounds, and as a research tool for grant writing.

Our Advisory Network

Joe L. Frost, EdD; LHD

Parker Centennial Professor Emeritus, University of Texas

Robin Moore, Dipl Arch, MCP, ASLA

Professor of Landscape Architecture, Director of Natural Learning Initiative, College of Design, NC State University

Keith Christensen, PhD

Center for Persons with Disabilities Faculty Fellow, Utah State University

Stuart Brown, MD

Founder, National Institute for Play

Kathleen G. Burriss, EdD

Professor, Department of Elementary and Special Education, Middle Tennessee State University

Nilda Cosco, PhD

Research Associate Professor, Director of Programs- Natural Learning Initiative, College of Design, NC State University

Michael Suk, MD, JD, MPH, FACS

Chairman of Orthopaedic Surgery, Geisinger Health System Danville, PA

John Sutterby, PhD

Associate Professor, University of Texas San Antonio

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