Course Description:
Data, data and data… How can we use it in decision-making and improving service delivery? We live in a world with lots of data that can inform the decisions we make every day improving service delivery and demonstrating the impact of our work. Data can help ensure we are equitably allocating our resources, strengthening grant applications, evaluating program impacts and so much more. This panel of parks and recreation professionals will share how they use data to schedule park maintenance activities, schedule asset replacements, identify gaps in programs and facilities in underserved communities, ensure equitable distribution of staff and funds, develop a healthy infrastructure plan and develop system-wide equitable funding plan.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand how data can be integrated into all aspects of decision making for improved service delivery
- Understand how to use data to schedule park maintenance and asset replacement schedules
- Understand how to use data to equitably address recreation program and facility service needs and allocate staff and funds