
Projects of DistinctionThis Glow-In-The-Dark Bike Path is Powered By The Sun

To help prevent bicycle and pedestrian accidents at night, a rural town in Poland has created a glow-in-the-dark path.

Projects of DistinctionDesigning an Active, Healthier City

To encourage individuals to spend more time outdoors, urban developers in New York have begun employing the "active design" method.

PressPonder Park in El Paso, TX Recognized for Creating a Play Space for All Abilities

TRAPS Healthy Community Initiative Recipient celebrates new playground.

Programs and PartnershipsA New Park for Connecting Kids to Nature: The Children of Indiana Nature Park

In Celebration of the Hoosier Bicentennial, the Children of Indiana Nature Park was created by the Nature Conservancy in Centerville, IN.

Programs and PartnershipsConservation Program Grows Youth Passion for Nature

Milwaukee County Department of Parks, Recreation & Culture has revamped their Summer Youth Employment Program.

Industry NewsThe Decline of Play

We know through our research that play is a powerful stimulant in developing children.

PressCheney Community Activities Park Receives National Demonstration Site Honors

KRPA Healthy Communities Initiative recipient promotes health and wellness across generations.

National Demonstration Site NetworkVolkening Lake Fitness Area Receives Fitness National Demonstration Site Recognition

Fitness Site in Schaumburg, IL recognized for incorporating elements of a well-rounded workout.