
The parklet is an innovative way to build public gathering spaces right in the heart of the urban streetscape.

Every play and recreation setting can help uniquely tell a community’s story and provide the critical benefits of play.

With this new playground follows new excitement and renewed love for the playground.

The Special Olympics is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a renewed purpose to end discrimination against people with disabilities.

Employers, universities/colleges, and non-profit programs are promoting biking as an environmental mode of transportation and a healthy alternative to cars.

Communities are recognizing the value and need for inclusive playgrounds creating a powerful energy to help children of all abilities enjoy their right to play!

Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital is focused on family-centered care that engages the whole family, including siblings, parents, grandparents, and caregivers.

Digital Content & Disabilities Seminar met to explore creating original content to serve disabilities, and adapting content for maximum accessibility.

PlayCore awards its first NDS Award in Hawaii to the Pa Honua Super Playground for excellence in promoting physical activity and fitness through active play.