
Play and nature together are powerful tools for creating a fondness for the outdoors.

Before making an ask, it's important to prepare, define primary interests, talk about the benefits, ask to the right amount, and time the ask just right.

Playful paths take the trail model beyond the traditional user to more fully engage the public with new ways to attract children to the trail.

IIt will be critical to articulate both the community vision and the plan with all potential funding targets in​ order to be successful.

By promoting green schoolyards best practices, we can provide exciting, vibrant recreation spaces that integrate the built and living landscape.

The Santa Ana River Trail links inland neighborhoods and businesses with the beach, and provides colorful places for families to play along the way.

Play really is a curriculum in and of itself and a road map for creativity and learning. Simply stated, when children play, they learn.

There are designed activities for children to meet moderate to vigorous levels of physical activity, but we also ask them to use their imaginations

Naturalized playgrounds can be designed, managed, and programmed to integrate children's healthy development.