
BlogDesigning Meaningful Musical Typologies

Placement and location of musical instruments are critical for enhancing the user experience and increasing the interactions among players.

BlogSummer Activity Game: Soccer Catch

The goal of Soccer Catch is for the child to catch the object with the body (feet, ankles, knees) and continue swinging.

BlogSupporting Inclusive Play through Programs and Activities

Programs at inclusive playgrounds are a great way to bring the community together & showcase how the community values play for people of all ages and abilities.

NewsletterSummer 2019 Newsletter

Check out what's new at PlayCore for Summer 2019.

BlogAccuracy in Timing Matters

We live in a busy society where, usually, the faster something can be completed the better. For a competitive swimmer, a millisecond can mean everything.

BlogSummer Activity Game: Spinning Bodybuilders

Spinning Bodybuilders cultivates awareness of and respect for the diverse characteristics of others.

BlogSummer Activity: Treasure Hunt

Provide children opportunities to practice communication through speech, gestures, signs, pictures, or other communication systems.

BlogBuilding Blocks of Play Value

Play is vital for the child’s total development. It is important pathways of play are compelling and encourage the child's involvement to have play value.

BlogSummer Activity Game: Pump It Up

Pump It Up emphasizes quick and forceful leg pumps to promote coordination and the movement qualities of force and speed.