Community engagement builds awareness & credibility for the project consider these three things when designing your next project.
To enhance the user experience at your outdoor music environment location, try adding amenities like signage, surfacing, seating, shade/shelter and more.
Strike A Pose allows children to practice climbing, jumping, and balance.
Questions, answers, and resources from our webinar on Playground Inspection & Maintenance.
Fourth of July activity provides personal enjoyment and satisfaction through elements such as sliding, balancing, and climbing.
Swing Set Superstar encourages communication and teamwork skills.
Lucky Rainbow allows children to use their locomotor skills to boost cooperation and communication skills.
It is important for children know that they are welcome to join in play at their own level of engagement in activities like dramatic play experiences.
​Because play equipment and surfacing are subject to changes from use, abuse, and climate, they must be inspected on a regular basis.