
McKinley Park was the result of neighbors expressing an interest in exercise options for adults.

Leap Frogger adds a fun twist to the children's game Leap Frog, which engages children with the sliding element at their playground.

Playground Programming to Foster Friendships Through Inclusive Play

Riverside Park in Indianapolis, IN, provides a unique opportunity for families to work out together.

Recent research examining balance in chest-deep water supports that balance exercises performed in water are associated with less fear of falling than on land.

Grants are a very special form of fundraising and they should be carefully and fully considered, especially for larger and/or longer-term projects.

Combining music with nature has such a profound impact on us - not just because science tells us so - but because of how it makes us feel.

The positive effects of play can be felt before birth throughout the entire human life cycle and to generations beyond the present one.

Adhering to a regular maintenance program can help ensure the community will enjoy your Outdoor Adult Fitness Park for many years to come.