National Demonstration Site Network

Recognizing Communities for Turning Research Into Practice

High-quality outdoor play and recreation environments are essential to community health and wellness. Research indicates that when evidence-based design best practices are implemented with the built environment, then positive and measurable outcomes occur. PlayCore's National Demonstration Site program helps communities take advantage of this research to build meaningful play or fitness environments, then measure their positive effect through data reporting and translation to help defend budgets and elevate outdoor recreation spaces as essential services.

What is a National Demonstration Site (NDS)? At their core, NDS are play and/or fitness sites built using comprehensive, validated research to help ensure active usage and community engagement. National Demonstration Sites receive recognition, demonstrate impact through data services, and receive site-specific reports to share and showcase their impact on community health and wellness.

As part of the program, data is gathered and reported in a story telling format through three reports that help community leaders demonstrate the positive impact of their projects, attract new funding sources, and defend budgets for parks, recreation, and open spaces. There are five design best practice programs that help communities turn research into practice. Choose one or a combination of NDS designations to align with inclusive play, youth physical activity, adult outdoor fitness, nature play, and/or playful pathways.

PlayCore National Demonstration Site Our Unique Approach

Receive Recognition, Demonstrate Impact, Share & Showcase

Learn more about the National Demonstration Site Network Designations and Benefits

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NDS Brochure

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Learn about our Research Institute and the scholars that inform our work
