The Project
The Children's Outdoor Natural Playscape was constructed at the Wickiup Hill Outdoor Learning Area, allowing children to discover the natural world.
Along with providing a recreational and educational opportunity, the County recognizes the benefits of unstructured play in nature for children and adults, such as health and wellness, fostering human development, and increasing environmental awareness. The constructed area, about one acre in size, is inclusive and allows for children of all ages and abilities to interact and experience nature. The Natural Playscape includes 4 areas: Older Children's Play Area, Young Children Play Area; Reflective Area, and Welcome Space. These areas include nearly 20 distinct features with many natural materials found within Linn County Conservation areas. Those materials will include harvested tree stumps and logs for benches/seating, willow for the cozy space, and stones for a labyrinth. Other development areas and features include the use of engineered wood fiber mulch, boulders, wire logs, sand for a maze, tree cookies, water-play, mud kitchen, a fort, bamboo posts, walls, and fencing. An accessible trail route of 400 feet from a parking area leads to the site.
About the Match
Funds for construction represent a joint effort between the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund, manufacturers, local organizations and the Linn County Conservation Board. The LWCF contributed $70,000 to the project.